“Public Education? what if the peasants start thinking they can make
their own miracles?”
In the dog eats dog realms of humanity, few reach adulthood, and
fewer live fulfilling lives. Medieval streets are crowded by the
wretched, who dime what little income they have to the lord of
flies; receiving petty boons in return.
Type: Humanoid.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 30ft.
Ability Scores: +2 to any.
Languages: Starts knowing Common; isn’t affected by
intelligence modifier.
Flexible: Humans select one extra feat at 1st
Short Lived, and Ambitious: Members of this race
gain an additional skill rank at 1st level and one additional skill
rank whenever they gain a level.
Servant of Flies: Once per day, as a spell like
ability, summon a Lemure as if using summon monster 2.
“The missing ears? Parents thought they could prevent me from
becoming a bunny if they cut them.”
Fey-touched humans, demihumans are shunned by the lord of flies, and
their birth into human families is viewed as an ill omen. Some, in
an attempt to please the fly lord, dedicate themselves to his
service; while others work against the church, founding their own
communities and using their sylvan heritage to communicate with
forest beings.
Type: Fey
Size: Small.
Speed: 30ft, 20ft burrow.
Ability Scores: +2 STR, +2 WIS, -2 INT.
Languages: Starts knowing Sylvan; knows additional
languages equal to their INT modifier.
Devil Resistances: DR/5 Silver.
Animal Claws: Members of this race have 2 claws
that deal 1d4 damage.
Keen Sight: Low Light Vision.
“Cleric, you should mind your tongue, your god is one and ours are
In the Highlands lives a race of relatively short giants; while the
elevated terrain kept them sovereign, they enslaved humans and so
became familiar with them. They no longer raid human kingdoms,
preferring to go on sagas to far-off lands.
Type: Humanoid.
Size: Large; Reach 10ft.
Speed: 20ft.
Ability Scores: +4 CON, -2 INT, -2 WIS, -2 CHA.
Languages: Starts knowing Giant; isn’t affected by
intelligence modifier.
Stable: +4 racial bonus to their CMD when resisting
bull rush or trip attempts while standing on the ground.
Wood Elves
“War is the tool of the infantile races; a destructive force they
cannot truly comprehend with their short lives.”
The word Elf means to be part of nature, and none of the Elven races
embody it more than the Wood Elves. Their senses are tuned to subtle
changes, and their steps are silent. While elves are sexless and
genderless, they often choose a gender to facilitate communication.
Type: Humanoid.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 35ft.
Ability Scores: +2 DEX, +2 WIS, -2 STR.
Languages: Starts knowing Elven; isn’t affected by
intelligence modifier.
Agile Defence: +2 dodge bonus.
Sneaky: +4 racial bonus to stealth.
High Elves
“Forget about the purity of the soul for a moment and consider how
convenient it is to have a calculator in your head; and all the
other problems being synthetic solved.”
Urbanites whose entire civilization is contained in one mega-city.
High Elves are queer humans who fled persecution and settled in the
frozen wastes of the Pale. Their city, Kedem, is the world's trade
center and a beacon of inclusivity and equality.
Type: Humanoid, Half Construct.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 30ft.
Ability Scores: +2 INT, +2 CON.
Languages: Starts knowing Draconic; isn’t affected
by intelligence modifier.
Sensor Suite: High Elves can see all around them,
making them immune to flanking and granting them +4 perception.
Magitech Synapses: High Elves have blindsense to a
range of 30 feet; they usually don't need to make Perception checks
to pinpoint the location of a creature within 30 feet, provided they
have line of effect to that creature. A creature that they cannot
see still has total concealment against individuals with blindsense,
and High Elves still have the normal miss chance when attacking
creatures that have concealment. Visibility still affects their
movement. High Elves are still denied their Dexterity bonus to AC
against attacks from creatures they cannot see.
Dark Elves
“All Elves know they are superior to the lesser races; Wood Elves
will lecture you, and High Elves mark you as their own; we simply
state it as it is.”
Led by the great matron, a goddess in human form, Dark Elves respect
rank above anything in their matriarchal society. They admire
spiders, using them as mounts and pets. Much like spiders, Dark Elf
women are bigger than men.
Type: Humanoid.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 30ft.
Ability Scores: +2 STR, +2 CHA.
Languages: Starts knowing Undercommon; isn’t
affected by intelligence modifier.
Boons of Gray Blood: Members of this race are
immune to paralysis, phantasms, and poison. They also gain a +2
racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like
Martial Prowess: Once per day. as a spell like
ability, cast blur.
Infravision: 60ft darkvision.
“Dark? Maybe for you infravision seeing folks; Don’t worry, enjoy
the feast, I will warn you if you put anything inedible in your
Once robotic servants of a cosmic empire, these living machines were
abandoned by their makers for unknown reasons. They were crafted to
mine worlds for valuable resources, and hold out underground against
invading forces – They also developed a love for alcohol and
extremely spicy food!
Type: Humanoid, Half Construct.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 20ft, 20ft burrow.
Ability Scores: +2 CON, +2 INT, -2 WIS.
Languages: Starts knowing Dwarven; knows additional
languages equal to their INT modifier.
Steel Belly: +4 FORT against disease and
Lightless Dwelling: Members of this race can see
perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that created by spells
such as deeper darkness.
“Comeon, it was one ghost pepper, how should I’ve known it would be
that bad?”
Are fey that fell in love with the natural world. Gnomes live in
cave systems close to the surface, where they carry out experiments.
Gnomes like to play tricks on their smallfolk neighbors, and serve
as a bridge between halfling and dwarf traders.
Type: Fey.
Size: Small.
Speed: 30ft.
Ability Scores: +2 CON, +2 CHA.
Languages: Starts knowing Gnome; knows additional
languages equal to their INT modifier.
Tinkerers: Members of this race gain a +1 bonus on
Disable Device and Knowledge engineering checks.
Gnome Magic: Once per day, as a spell like ability,
cast minor image.
Cave Born: 120ft darkvision.
“I’m warning you, if you keep acting up, I’ll have to sit you down
and feed you beans and turnips.”
Dedicated farmers, who build their homes into the side of hills.
Halfling would be happy if they could live a quiet life, full of
sausages and farm gazing. Sadly, adventure calls; many Halflings are
forced out of their home to defend it, or to seek profitable
Type: Humanoid.
Size: Small.
Speed: 20ft.
Ability Scores: +2 to any.
Languages: Starts knowing Halfling; isn’t affected
by intelligence modifier.
Lucky: +2 racial bonus on all saving throws.
Mouselike: +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks.
Burrow Dwellers: 60ft darkvision.
“The shaman said you’re nice magic, so you can stay.”
Nomadic raiders; Orcish society is one of martial prowess, as
magical combat poses little threat to an Orc. They govern cities by
vassals, letting existing rulers be in exchange for tribute.
Type: Humanoid.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 35ft.
Ability Scores: +4 STR, -2 DEX, -2 INT.
Languages: Starts knowing Orc; isn’t affected by
intelligence modifier.
Leather Skin: Natural armor +1.
Bad Wuju: Spell Resistance 11 + Level.
Tusks: Bite attack, 1d4.
“They call us thieves, but we prefer artisans; a better product
means more pay.”
Criminals exist in all races, but Gnolls are the only race which
view crime as an economic policy. Gnoll clans, connect to existing
crime networks and sponsor them, straining the local militia. When a
city falls into turmoil, they mobilize and assault it.
Type: Outsider.
Size: Small.
Speed: 30ft.
Ability Scores: +2 DEX, +2 INT.
Languages: Starts knowing Goble; knows additional
languages equal to their INT modifier.
Speckled: Attacks made against members of this race
while they are within areas of dim light have a 50% miss chance
instead of the normal 20% miss chance. This trait does not grant
total concealment; it just increases the chance. This is an EX
Rogue Trader: +2 Appraise, +2 Bluff.
Shadow Caster: Twice per day, as a spell like
ability, cast obscuring mist.
“Dwarves? Elves? Bah! Filthy train makers.”
Most Centaurs find jobs as caravan protectors or raiders, making a
mobile home out of trade routes. Famously, black knights, Centaurs
of nobility serve tyrants as heavy cavalry.
Type: Humanoid.
Size: Large; Reach 5ft (Use weapons and armor as if
you were medium).
Speed: 45ft.
Ability Scores: +2 CON, +2 WIS, -4 INT.
Languages: Starts knowing Chat; isn’t affected by
intelligence modifier.
Hooved: Centaurs can use their hooves as a
secondary natural attack, 1d4 damage.
Quadropad: CMD +4. Members of this race use weapons
and armor as if they were Medium.
“Ah, a fresh undead… You should seek a necropolis to stay at; find
the flying cities and enjoy your eternal unlife.”
Heroes captured by foul forces. Necromancers raise heroes on the
verge of death to make a Draugr. The great deeds tied to these
individuals result in a half-undead creature of legendary abilities.
To prevent the Draugr from going on its own way, the necromancer
strips away their memory. As the necromancer weakens, due to age or
a foe, the Draugr breaks away from their control, never to be
chained again.
Type: Humanoid, Half Undead.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 20ft.
Ability Scores: +2 STR, +2 CHA.
Languages: Speaks Necril; knows additional
languages equal to their INT modifier.
Legendary: DR/10 Magic.
Necrophage: Draugrs are healed by negative energy
and harmed by positive energy. Moreover, Once per day, as a spell
like ability, they can cast inflict light wounds.
Darksight: 60ft darkvision.
“The great serpent will devour you petty fly, and show you the
errors of your arrogance.”
Deep in the oceans, where light dwindles dim, live the Naga. While
preferring to remain out of surface politics, the usefulness of
relations with other races had forced them to venture out.
Type: Humanoid.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 30ft, 30ft swim.
Ability Scores: +2 DEX, +2 WIS, -2 STR.
Languages: Speaks Serpentine; knows additional
languages equal to their INT modifier.
Sirens’ Song: Once per day, as a supernatural
ability, cast hypnotism.
Deepsight: 120ft darkvision while underwater.
Amphibious: Can breathe both water and air.
“Making fun of the way I talk? You’re the one who’s miss pronouncing
my language.”
Remnants of an ancient empire, much of Troll culture is lost to
time. Awoken after millennia of stony hibernation, Trolls intend to
reclaim their ruined cities, setting on expeditions to find what
happened to their empire.
Type: Humanoid.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 30ft.
Ability Scores: +2 CON, +2 INT.
Languages: Speaks Troll; knows additional languages
equal to their INT modifier.
Troll’s Regeneration: Has fast healing; regain 1
hit point each round. Except for where noted here, fast healing is
just like natural healing. A Troll’s fast healing does not restore
hit points lost from starvation, thirst, fire damage, acid damage,
or suffocation, nor does it allow a creature to regrow lost body
parts. Fast healing continues to function (even at negative hit
points) until the Troll dies, at which point the effects of fast
healing immediately end.
Researchers: Once per day, as a spell like ability,
cast comprehend languages.